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Category: Health


(Holidays are a good time for reflection. I’m sharing this article I wrote for the Dec. 2004-January 2005 issue of Mirror Magazine)

There are things that we reserve for special occasions. Like, I use my
lovely handkerchiefs when I go to important meetings. I use my nice
sleepwear when I travel.

Upon discovery of my cancer in the ovary, I decided to wear those nice
things more often at home. I said to myself, “What for do I reserve these
things? I may not live very long.”

Cancer causes changes in attitudes and priorities. As I learned to value
each single day as a bonus from The Lord, and therefore must be spent
meaningfully, I was also faced with the dilemma whether or not to pursue
big projects that require longer time. That’s because surviving cancer
comes with the reality that the disease could recur anytime.

Should I abandon the European trip that I was planning with relatives?
Should I continue with the renovation of our house in the province? Should
I plan long term?

I adjusted my priorities, with my health as the top consideration, but I
did not altogether cancel my long-term plans.